See What's Inside

With GSAP 3 Express and Beyond the Basics filled to capacity, I needed a place to house my latest premium tutorials.

Although there is a wide range of lessons, there are two key factors that guide what goes in here:

  • What things gave me those "a ha!" moments when I started my coding journey
  • What techniques still bring me joy today and can be used in many real world projects.

With my recent commitment to providing new lessons every week, this collection has been growing very quickly and becoming my favorite of the bundle.

You'll find tips, tricks, and time-saving techniques that you absolutely won't find anywhere else.

Course curriculum

    1. Laziest Response Slider Using repeatRefresh

    2. Responsive Full Screen Circle using CSS VMAX and Edge to Edge Text

    3. Curved motion using different eases for x and y

    4. Reveal dots while animation plays

    5. Constant Speed with Random Motion

    6. Directional Rotation

    7. Bug Race in a Single Tween

    8. Bug Race Complete: Jerk Level and Weighted Random Values

    9. Hacking Ease Curves

    10. Basic Animated Counter using Snap Plugin

    11. Customizable and Re-usable Counter Effect

    12. Auto-close open item // reverse current timeline

    13. Animated Snow using Interpolate

    14. Favorite Mask Effects

    15. Using Clip-Path in a Custom Effect for Multi-directional Wipes

    16. Hard Edge Gradient Animated Fill

    17. Mask-Up / Scale-Down Effect: Chevy Tahoe Ad Exploration

    18. Mask-Up / Scale Down Part 2: optimizations and registerEffect()

    19. Text Mask Effect Using Blend Modes

    20. Advanced Clip-Path: Staggered Corners

    21. Advanced Clip-Path: Angled Wipe and Pendulum Wipe

    22. Advanced Clip-Path: Multi-Bar Wipe

    23. 3D Card Flip Effect (double-sided)

    24. Interactive 3D Card Flip

    25. 3D Card Flip Basic Game

    26. Responsive Hover Nav

    27. Gallery with Burn-in Effect

    28. Image Comparison Tool with Draggable

    29. Gradient Filled Text on Scroll

    30. Intro to ScrambleText Plugin

    31. Staggered Text Effect with ScrambleText

    32. Creating distinct enter and leave animations with a single timeline

    33. Circular Distribution of Elements without much Math

    34. Ferris Wheel: Counter-rotation to keep spinning elements upright

    35. Interactive Peacock with Modern GreenSock

    36. Banner: Clean loops and custom end screens : Part 1 Callbacks

    37. Banner: Clean loops and custom end screens : Part 2 TweenTo()

    38. Multiline Text Mask Effect (overflow hidden) Part 1: Basic setup

    39. Multiline Text Mask Effect Part2: Responsive

    40. Using CSS Clamp for Responsive Text Sizing

    41. Angled ClipPath Text Reveal (

    42. Angled ClipPath Text Reveal: SplitText Double Split and Responsive

    43. Zero-Duration Tweens and set()

    44. Zero-Duration Tweens Part 2: addPause()

    45. Gallery with AutoPlay Part 1: File Setup / Basic Functionality

    46. Gallery with Autoplay Part 2: Toggle Switch

    47. Breaking Free of the Timeline Mindset: Part 1

    48. Breaking Free of the Timeline Mindset Part 2

    49. Breaking Free of the Timeline Mindset Part 3

    50. Creeping and Jumping Dots

    51. Physics Plugins Part 1: PhysicsProps

    52. Physics Plugins Part 2: Physics2D

    53. Rotating Input Dials (SVG)

    54. Challenge: Slime Conveyor Belt

    55. Solution: Slime Conveyor Belt

    56. Constant Loop with Return to Start

    57. Drop Down Descramble Part 1: Technical Exploration

    58. Drop Down Descramble Part 2: Building the Animation

    59. Animating background-size cover and contain

    60. Constant Loop with Return to Start: Part 2: Smart Reverse

    61. Staggered Bars Wipe Transition

    62. HSL Rainbow Spread

    63. Text Around A Cube

    64. Text Around a Cube Part 2: Making it Responsive

    65. Animating Half-Tone Patterns

    66. Animating Half-Tone Patterns on Scroll (inside text)

    67. Half-tone Patters: Advanced Customization

    1. Ease-based distribution of start times

    2. GSAP 3 Express Free Trial Ad

    3. Zim Splat

    4. 3D Inverted Cube Spinner

    5. getRelativePosition() Spinner Demo

    6. One Line of Code Mega Demo

    1. Apply a CustomEase to a MotionPath Tween

    2. How I Built my CustomEase Visualizer

    1. Pixi Circulator Beta

    2. Pixi Sweet Corn

    3. Pixi Circles Top and Bottom

    1. Dynamic Text Effect Self Playing

    2. Dynamic Interactive Text Effect

    1. Starter File Explanation

    2. Challenge Outer Loop

    3. Solution Outer Loop

    4. Challenge Stagger Drop

    5. Solution Stagger Drop

    6. Challenge Box Jumper Level 1

    7. Solution Box Jumper Level 1

    8. Challenge: Off the Cliff Level 1 and Level 2

    9. Solutions: Off The Cliff Level 1 and Level 2

    10. Challenge: Collision

    11. Solution: Collision

About this course

  • Free
  • 91 lessons
  • 15 hours of video content

Sample Lesson Video

Build a Double-Sided 3D Card

As with my other courses, I walk you step-by-step through building fun effects and show you all the important aspects you need to know.

Play with the Demo

Master GreenSock Animation

Your Creative Coding Club membership includes ALL these courses: GSAP Express, Beyond the Basics, SVG Animation with GreenSock, ScrollTrigger Express, and B-sides, Bonuses, and Oddities.

Unlock all my premium GreenSock training and get new lessons weekly.

The Creative Coding Club offers the most comprehensive GreenSock training available. 

From basics, to scroll-driven animations, advanced tips and tricks, and SVG animation, you'll learn it all!

Join Today