See What's Inside this Course

ScrollTrigger is by far GreenSock's most groundbreaking plugin to date.

With ScrollTrigger you can control all your GreenSock animations with the precision and performance you would expect from an official GreenSock tool.

Stop using un-supported, third-party tools with only half the features.

ScrollTrigger is the absolute best tool for the job and I've spent over 100 hours learning it and preparing these lessons.

In this course I'm going to go step-by-step through the ScrollTrigger basics and most popular features you need to take your website animations to a whole new level.

Join me as I show you exactly what you need to know to get up and running quickly and avoid common mistakes.

Responsive Scroll-Driven Animations

Checkout what we're building now

Student Reviews

The best scrolling framework from the best animation platform taught by a master instructor!
Of all the scrolling frameworks that have come and gone, it's phenomenal to see the best animation platform on the web offer up a superior developer experience.

And now, to have a voice of experience break the tech down into simple examples with concrete explanations makes implementing the framework absolute magic!!! Thank you Carl.

Thank you for focusing all your attention and know-how on teaching others this platform. I look forward to all the future growth of CCC
Matthew Higley
Ideal introduction
Perfect introduction to ScrollTrigger. Easy to follow and well explained. Plus good explanation of integration with Locomotive Scroll.
Ian Webster
Excellent examples and flow
I really enjoyed the examples themselves and how you progressed from the basics to loops of triggers.
Dan Denney
Great class!
This class went through the material at the right pace: fast enough to be lively and slow enough for me to grasp in real time. All the aspects of ScrollTrigger were explained very thoroughly and the examples were easy to understand. Thanks for a great class!
Emily Blair
Great course
This powerful technology is explained so well! I can't wait to use it in projects.
Greg Vissing
Fantastic bases
I think that if you wanna start implementing your scroll animations and get solid bases on how the code and process work, you definitely need to take this course, it's a express one but really juicy in terms of simplicity and info
Oscar Anillo
best thing ever!
this course is worth every single penny i've paid for.
Carlos Valbuena
Awesome Introduction to ScrollTrigger
Not only will you better understand ScrollTrigger but you will get all the 'Must-have' information to effectively and correctly implement in your projects! PLUS tons of tips along the way to increase your GSAP knowledge.

I cant say enough good things about how Carl teaches this course!!
Jeanie Herold

Sample Lesson Excerpts

The promo video above goes over some of the key features of ScrollTrigger that you will learn in this course.

However, how I teach is as important as what I teach.

I love taking apart demos, focusing on the key code, and building my own isolated demos.

Nothing is worse than watching a video of someone who doesn't speak clearly or goes off on wild tangents.

I put a lot of effort into clearly explaining the key components of each lesson.

Watch the video below to get a taste of how I teach. I hope it matches your learning style.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

    3. Scrub and Pin

    4. Pinning and pinSpacing Overview

    5. Pinning Deep Dive

    6. Pin Spacing

    7. Pinning Car Project

    8. Intro to Parallax Scrolling

    9. Aerial SVG Car Parallax

    10. ScrollTriggers for Multiple Sections

    11. Smooth Scrolling with Locomotive Scroll

    12. Prevent Scroll on Fullscreen Intro

    13. Back to Top Link: fastScrollEnd and toggleClass

    14. Change Nav Color on Scroll

    15. Change Nav Color on Scroll: Part 2 Responsive

    16. Scroll-Based Reading Progress Bar

    17. ScrollTo Plugin and ScrollTrigger (Animated Jump Links)

    18. ScrollTrigger Toggle Animations 4 Ways

    19. Responsive Scroll-Driven Line-by-Line Text Effect Part 1

    20. Responsive Scroll-Driven Line-by-Line Text Part 2

    21. Off-Screen Reset

    22. 3D Rolling Headers

    23. 3D Rolling Headers: Multiple Headers and Variations

    24. Scroll-Driven Multi-Colored Line Section Indicators

    1. Slide-in Panels

    2. Layered Pinning

    3. Layered Pinning from Bottom

    4. SVG Mega Scroll and Follow

    5. Use ScrollTrigger Callbacks to Control HTML5 Video

    6. Scoll-Driven SVG Path Follower

    1. Part 1: File setup, Alternating Rows and ScrollTrigger Basics

    2. Part 2: Offscreen Reset

    3. Part 3: Mobile Layout

    1. Introduction: File Setup and Pinning

    2. Basic Staggered Animation

    3. Content Sections with Varying Heights

    4. Responsive Layout

    5. Using gsap.matchMedia()

    1. Horizontal Scroll and Pin Part 1

    2. Horizontal Scroll: Container Animations

    3. Horizontal Scroll Triggering Secondary Animations

    4. Horizontal Scroll: Import SVG Maps and Responsive Issues

    5. Horizontal Scrolling: Fixing Responsive Issues

    6. Horizontal Scrolling: SVG Animation

    1. Part 1: File Setup and Staggered Animation

    2. Adding 3D Layout and Animation

    3. Multiple Headers

    4. Exploring Responsive Issues and Adding ScrollTrigger

    5. Fixing Responsive Issues

About this course

  • 53 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Choose confidence over frustration

I imagine you have a client or employer you want to impress with silky-smooth, scroll-driven animations.

I had to spend  days going through the docs, building my own demos, AND asking the GreenSock team for help when I started with ScrollTrigger.

I built this course so you don't have to do that on your own.

If you invest 4 -5 hours and let me guide you through "what works", you'll save tons of time and will be able to plan and build your animations with confidence.

Join the course today and get instant access to all my premium GreenSock training.

You'll not only learn ScrollTrigger when you join but you'll be starting an ongoing journey with me as I show you all I know about making awesome animations with GreenSock.

I offer a 28-day money-back guarantee. So jump on in and take a look around. There's nothing to lose.

Hope to see you in the club!


Real Results from Real Developers

Master GreenSock Animation

Your Creative Coding Club membership includes ALL these courses: GSAP Express, Beyond the Basics, SVG Animation with GreenSock, ScrollTrigger Express, and B-sides, Bonuses, and Oddities.

Unlock all my premium GreenSock training and get new lessons weekly.

The Creative Coding Club offers the most comprehensive GreenSock training available. 

From basics, to scroll-driven animations, advanced tips and tricks, and SVG animation, you'll learn it all!

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